Author: Pressplay Pets


Merry Christmas 2014

Pressplay Pets a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting!


Never Work With Children Or Animals!

Last week I decided I wanted to get a really cute photo of Amber and Indy in their Christmas T-shirts for our facebook cover page. I did eventually get a nice photo which is...


The Merry Adventures In Sherwood Forest!

OK so not the actual “Sherwood Forest” where you expect to come across “Robin Hood” and his band of “Merry Men”, rather Brisbane’s “Sherwood Arboretum” which was established in the early 1920’s is just...


Indy Has Stolen Ambers Treat!

Pressplay Pets a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting!


Amber and Indy’s 1st Night Together

Pressplay Pets a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting!


Play Date – Lili & Jack

Amber and Indy had a doggie play date on the weekend! First to arrive was Lili.  Amber and Indy were so excited to have someone new to play with! Lili on the other hand,...


Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is not new; it has been around for centuries.  However this age-old folk medicine is starting to become main stream with many now claiming that ACV has some amazing natural...



I have so many fond and happy memories of the years spent with Corey.  One in particular was our bike rides.  Corey was 16 years old and finding it a little more difficult to...


Motion Sickness In Dogs

You and your dog are in the car heading off for a fun filled adventure together.  Then you notice he is not looking too happy, in fact he is starting to drool.  Suddenly he...