Pressplay Pets


My Chicken Fractured Her Leg!

As a new chicken mum I sure have had to learn a lot fast! From starter feed, grower feed, layer feed, medicated feed, pellets, crumbles, mash, apple cider vinegar with garlic, worming, different poop...


Glengallan Homestead & Heritage Centre

Looking for a dog friendly day trip that is rich in history, grandeur and a touch goosebumps creepiness?  Then jump in the car and head two hours south-west of Brisbane and you will come...


What Treats Are Good & Bad For Chickens?

Just like your furry family members your feathered family members enjoy getting treats too!  But too many treats can reduce egg production, make them fat and may lead to other health problems. The general...


The Ladies Have Arrived!

We would like to introduce you to our new feathered residents: Pearl, Violet & Grace The ladies arrived with their very own bespoke mobile “palace” and are slowly settling into their new environment. Let...


We Are Getting Chickens!

I have been wanting to get chickens for years but have always kept putting it off. That was until recently, when a family member offered me three of his beautiful hens hatched just 11...


Indolent Eye Ulcers

Many months ago, Indy kept rubbing his face excessively, was squinting and the white of his right eye was very red. After a visit to our wonderful vet Dr Lucilla at Monier Vet Clinic,...


Love Your Worms

Ok I am not talking about the kind you are probably thinking of.  I am talking about compost worms.  Have you ever considered them as pets? Sure when you first think about getting a...