After a recommended break from driving anywhere, the time had come to start working on those tiny steps to ‘reprogram’ Indy’s feeling of dread as soon as we get into the car. I had to help him get over his motion sickness.
We started with sitting in the car, doing nothing just sitting. Once Indy settled we would get out and do the same thing the next day. The next step was to turn the motor on. Again, once Indy settled we would get out and do the same thing the next day.
Finally a number of days later the time had arrived. It was D-Day! Time to see if all our hard work with desensitization had worked, at least a little. Feeling nervous for Indy, I thought I might give a couple of suggested natural remedies I had been told about a whirl.
In preparation for the big event, that morning Indy had a light breakfast.
20 minutes before we were ready to leave, I also offered a tiny piece of Crystallized Ginger. Indy spat it across the room as if to say ‘Are you trying to poison me’! After a few unsuccessful attempts and even trying to coax Amber to ‘steal the yummy treat’ which she too promptly spat out across the room I figured…Next….
I had about the same amount of success with The Flower Essence Remedies! Indy had tried this once before and I think it did help a little, however he remembers the bottle or more precisely the taste and he was having none of it. Indy performed his very best impersonation of a contortionist. I was just stressing him out so again I figured…Next…
I popped on Indy’s baby singlet. Total awwww factor right there. Who cares it the singlet works or not, he looked too damn cute.
Clutching onto his blanket, favourite Minnie Mouse toy and a handful of liver treats we jump into the car.
- Windows Down An Inch. Check.
- Blanket & Toy To Cuddle. Check.
- Safety Harness Under Singlet. Check.
- Start Administering Treats. Check.
To my surprise and relief the drive went as well as I could have hoped. Yes, he did have a short drool face moment and eventually vomited just as we got to our destination. Still I was thrilled! This was the best and longest time he had ever been in the car before feeling sick.
I am confident that without pushing him and going at the pace Indy needs, he will in time get to enjoy the feeling of jumping into the car and going for a drive!
Read About Treatment for Dogs With Motion Sickness
Author Bio: Nikki is pack leader at Pressplay Pets, a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting. She is also proud mum to cute and cheeky Papillons ‘Amber’ and ‘Indy’ and one crazy Rainbow Lorikeet named ‘Ralph’! Follow my Facebook and Twitter.
Pressplay Pets a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting!
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It’s lovely that you’ve made such progress! These things take time.
I’ve never had crystallized ginger but my biped says she wouldn’t eat it either!