Tagged: Papillon


My Papillon Shadow

Just like Corey, Amber has become my shadow. Following me from room to room; searching for me when I have ‘disappeared’ in the house.  I can not even stand up without Amber anticipating I...


The Social Butterfly

I would take Corey everywhere I possibly could.  He was the social butterfly attending markets, bike rides, festivals, parties, parks, cafes, work places and dinner tables. Everyone loved Corey and accepted him in places...


The Innocence Of Amber

I love to watch Amber play.  Nothing is sweeter then watching her discover things to do and play with.  To witness her reaction to something new! Below is a little bit of what I...


Such A Clever Girl!

Amber has been attending obedience classes at the RSPCA Animal Training and Behaviour Centre at Wacol in Brisbane every Wednesday night for 6 weeks. I chose the RSPCA because I liked the way they...


Spoilt Much?

Amber has three official beds.  Her ‘Big Girl Bed’ for big girls who sleep in the laundry at night on their own, ‘Day Bed’ is her memory mattress located in the lounge room amongst...


Play Date – LILI

Amber’s arrival has created quite a stir amongst my friends.  Many wish they too had their own little fur-baby as sweet as Miss A (aka Miss Amber). My friend Michael has said to me...


I Don’t Have A Handbag In Your Size!

I could not wait to bring little Amber home and take her on her first walkies around the hood.  Time to show her off!  Amber’s first walkies on the lead did not go quite...


Miss Amber Shines

As I opened the door to Amber’s room on her very first morning I was greeted by a very excitable little puppy tearing across the tiles from her bed wagging her tail and wriggling...


A Beautiful Butterfly

I remember my mother telling me about a time when I was very little our family visited a friend who had imported a Papillon puppy.  I do not have a single memory of that day.  I...