Just like Corey, Amber has become my shadow.
Following me from room to room; searching for me when I have ‘disappeared’ in the house. I can not even stand up without Amber anticipating I am about to leave when she bolts from her bed in pursuit.
As I read my emails or write this blog she will tug at my shoe laces until I give in and allow her to sit on my lap. Being so light and tiny it is very easy to forget she is still on my lap, that is until I feel that familiar lick on my hand or tap from her paw, a gentle reminder she’s still there.
Corey and Amber share many similar traits. With one major standout exception…Bath time! That was the only time Corey would leave my side. Like a magician – poof and he’s gone! I would find him either under my bed all the way up the back corner where it was near impossible to retrieve him or under my desk in the shadows, a desperate attempt to blend in with the furniture.
Amber is quite a different story; I am not sure if she enjoys being bathed or has not quite worked out my routine yet? She watches with interest as I take out her array of grooming products and fill up her bath. Not leaving my side for a second.
I love washing my pets. I love the smell of the shampoo and conditioner and once all dry a newly fluffy fresh clean doggie emerges. I have been using the same product on Corey and now on Amber ever since I saw the ‘Plush Puppy’ product stand at the ‘EKKA’ (Brisbane Exhibition) around 10 years ago. It is the best I have found with a massive choice of treatments perfect for every coat possible. They smell and feel amazing!
Thankfully Amber is a dream to bath and stands patiently during each step of her beauty treatment!
Amber does not like the hair dryer at all. She squeaks and spins around the table pushing her head and body into my stomach only allowing me access to dry one side and not the other! I figure since the weather in Queensland is generally always warm and as a treat for being such a good girl throughout bath time I let her run feral in the backyard to dry herself.
With the wind in her fur she runs, flips and rolls around. Minutes later she is all soft, fluffy and smells totally fabulous!
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