I get so much enjoyment just hanging out with my dogs and being able to include them in outings. To be able to bundle Amber and Indy into the car and set off for a fun destination such as the beach, a city stroll, cafés is one of my favourite ways to spend my weekends.
However, some of you will probably recall that Indy suffers terribly with car sickness. For him jumping into the car to get to this fun destination involves feeling nausea the entire way, whimpering, drooling and sometimes vomiting.

Giddy Up Lets Go!
It is horrible seeing him like that. I spent many hours researching the internet and seeking suggestions from other owners whose dogs suffered the same. I have tried and tested many remedies on Indy; driving only an empty tummy, tight singlets to help calm him, spraying pheromones around the car and on a bandana around his neck, opening the car windows to name just a few! Most did seem to alleviate the symptoms slightly. But nothing appeared to help him feel comfortable, let alone enjoy a drive in the car.
That was until I stumbled upon a dog car seat, designed specifically so that your dog could see out the car window. The I Can See Dog Car Seat is all Australian Made on the Queensland, Gold Coast and has been operating since 2010.

Medium Size

Fits Like A Glove!
The car seats are available in three sizes: Single (50cm), Medium (60cm) and Double (70cm). They do not require any special fitting, simply secures with the car seat belt and a strap provided attaches to your dog/s harness. For obvious safety reasons do not attach the strap to your dog’s collar, it is only to be used in conjunction with a harness. There is also a great range of standard fabrics and patterns to choose from along with the option to upgrade to a range of imported speciality fabrics and breed themes. Oh I nearly forgot, you can even choose to have your dog’s name embroidered onto the seat. That is cool!
I wondered; would this car seat be the answer for Indy?

So Much Too See
There is a great F&Q page on the website that should help you choose the best size for your pooch. But I was having some trouble trying to choose between the medium and double. I wanted Amber and Indy to sit in one together, but I also wanted them to have enough space to lay down comfortably. Miss Amber does like her space after all. I contacted the owner Helen, who was so truly kind to allow me to drive to her home and see the seats in person.
I settled on the medium, which fits them like a glove! Perfect!

Now I CAN See Everything

What Was That…..
You may find this hard to believe, but from the first drive in their brand spanking new car seat Indy was like a different dog. He now loves going for drives, he sits at the window watching everyone and everything going by. Whilst Amber curls up and has a snooze until we arrive at our destination.
I would 100% recommend a I can see car dog seat not just for dogs trying to overcome car sickness, but for all owners looking to travel with their dogs safely and comfortably.

We Love Our “Now I Can See Dog Car Seat”!!!!!
This is not a sponsored post. The views and recommendation of the product by Pressplay Pets is purely personal opinion. We encourage all of our readers to always do your own research, so YOU can make an informed decision.
Author Bio: Nikki is pack leader at Pressplay Pets, a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting. She is also proud mum to cute and cheeky Papillons ‘Amber’ and ‘Indy’!
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Pressplay Pets a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting!
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Amber is looking gorgeous
My young pup certainly gets anxious when he cannot see out of the window, so I will keep this product in mind for him. Poor little boy just wants to people watch and learn about his new world 🙂