Tagged: #pressplaypets


My Chicken Is Moulting!

Moulting, also spelt ‘Molting’, typically takes place just before the cooler months set in.  In Australia, this mean moulting usually commences in late February to early March. When chickens moult the severity between them...


Indolent Eye Ulcers

Many months ago, Indy kept rubbing his face excessively, was squinting and the white of his right eye was very red. After a visit to our wonderful vet Dr Lucilla at Monier Vet Clinic,...


Love Your Worms

Ok I am not talking about the kind you are probably thinking of.  I am talking about compost worms.  Have you ever considered them as pets? Sure when you first think about getting a...


I Can See Dog Car Seat

I get so much enjoyment just hanging out with my dogs and being able to include them in outings.  To be able to bundle Amber and Indy into the car and set off for...


Queensland Holidays Are Good To Go

With international borders still closed (aside from travelling over the ditch to NZ) and on and off again Australian national borders suddenly slamming shut every time a state or territory experiences Covid19 rearing its...