Amber and Indy are finding it very hard to get back into “work mode”.
Who can blame them! We stayed home for the holidays, which means they have just spent the last few weeks lapping up loads of extra attention, enjoyed some super fun day trips, soaked up the rays in the backyard, late nights and lazy sleep ins.
Here is a snap shot of Amber and Indy’s Christmas and New Year break; their has been a few 1st milestones:
- Amber and Indy got “Raw Baltic Amber” collars from Santa. Their “Woodstock” worthy fashion statement is turning heads in the doggie-hood.
- Indy experienced his 1st Christmas.
- The Christmas Tree survived a 2nd Christmas with another young pup around.
- Amber turned 2 on 28th December & was not going to let anything “Rain on Her Parade”. She got down & dirty enjoying every minute of her Birthday at Sandgate, even though it was a dizzily day.
- I had hoped Amber would not notice I was trying to pass off her favourite Birthday dinner as fresh caught prawns when they were in fact defrosted frozen ones. The fish shop sold out early. She did notice and I did get ‘The Look”.
- Indy is officially an “almost” recovered suffer of the dreaded car sickness. With the leader board at ‘zero’ vomits during the holidays! Woohoo!
- It is official ice cubes are awesome, brrrrrrr chilllllyyyyyy.
- They explored Nudgee Beach for the 1st time and agree it is SUPER FUN!
- They also got to meet horses for the 1st time. Amber was really excited while Indy stared in awe. Amber was really sad when the horses had to go home.
- Indy is a big boy now! He celebrated his 1st Birthday on 6th January at Sandgate, along with 50km winds.
- Indy loves his 1st Birthday present – a “Sailor Boy” Frisbee.
What did you get up to on your holidays?
Author Bio: Nikki is pack leader at Pressplay Pets, a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting. She is also proud mum to cute and cheeky Papillons ‘Amber’ and ‘Indy’ and one crazy Rainbow Lorikeet named ‘Ralph’! Follow my Facebook and Twitter.
Pressplay Pets a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting!
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Hi guys, since leaving Edenbrooke and moving up to Tin Can Bay, we have had spent most of our time and the vets. First with Tia, as her bowl has stopped working. After many emergency trips and general anaesthetics for Tia we have finally found a medication that forces the bowel to work, though not approved by the FTA because it causes heart disease in humans means that Tia’s medication costs a small fortune. Thankfully she can now do poo’s. Poor Brandy, my 14 month old puppy has not been so lucky. She has contracted meningitis which has bought on a secondary disease called ‘Chiari Syndrome’. Both diseasses are extremely serious in their own right. When we first had x-rays taken of Brandy’s entire body it was shocking to discover that she has compressed spinal discs, hip dysplasia, knee joint problems and arthritis in her front legs, but no reasonable explanation could explain her fast deterioration. THAT WAS UNTIL LAST WEEK when an MRI and lumbar puncture was performed, giving us the chiari/meningitis diagnosis. Chiari is a disease that pushes the brain into the spinal. Apparently this is extremely common in Cavaliers which is the cause of her spinal disc compression. What i have learned is that brandy’s brain is too big for her head and that causes the brain to push through into the spine as well as fluid being pumped from the brain into body cavities. Brandy is a very very sick little girl and is on so much medications right now. In the last two days Brandy is showing signs of improvement. Her long term prognosis and even her short term prognosis isn’t good. We are just taking day by day, hoping that the new meds give her less pain and more quality and if not we will be forced into making the worst decision for us, but the best decision for her. Chiari syndrome is found in atleast 50% of cavaliers. Many dogs don’t show any signs or minimal symptoms. The worst symptoms come from puppies between the ages of 6-12 months. These are the poor dogs that end up being euthanised due to spinal pain etc. The disease is hereditary and each generation of puppies are born worse than the previous litter.
Oh Deb and Raelene
That is terrible news. Your babies are such sweethearts I can not believe this is happening to them and you. When we pass your old house Amber still stops and whimpers for Brandy & Tia :(. I have to literally pick her up because she refuses to move a paw.
I have never heard of Chiari Syndrome, however, am familiar with Meningitis as my sister’s dog contracted it many years ago. Considering Chiari Syndrome is hereditary and if you still have the breeders contact details you should certainly let them know. It would be terrible for more puppies to be breed with the same devastating outcome.
I will send you a PM shortly. Give Brandy and Tia a big cuddle from us.