Tagged: Sandgate


Goodbye 2016. Hello 2017!

We had time off over the Christmas and New Year period. Officially our holidays have come to an end and it’s time to get back into “work mode”. Here is a snap shot of...


Just Another Day On The Bay?

With Indy’s car sickness mostly under control I know how important it is to try and ensure he continues to remain ‘desensitized’ to the car’s motion, to achieve this we are trying to get...


Home For The Holidays!

Amber and Indy are finding it very hard to get back into “work mode”. Who can blame them!  We stayed home for the holidays, which means they have just spent the last few weeks...


A Very Special Day

Today is the 7th October, a very special day to me.  It is Corey’s birthday and he would have been 19. Rather than allow that sad feeling of loss creep up inside me, I...


I Don’t Have A Handbag In Your Size!

I could not wait to bring little Amber home and take her on her first walkies around the hood.  Time to show her off!  Amber’s first walkies on the lead did not go quite...