When my sister and her husband’s little dog Rascale crossed over to The Rainbow Bridge in 2012 they were devastated. We all were. She was their life, their little girl.
I remember my heart broken brother-in-law stating ‘He could never get another dog’. I think in some way he did not want Rascale to be replaced or forgotten. I certainly did not see it that way. I had witnessed for 16 years a very much loved and treasured life that one little dog was so fortunate to have had that Rascale knew she could never ever be replaced or forgotten. I also saw two people that had so much love to give it would be a shame only Rascale got to experience that level of kindness.
A few months later, after many tears and much grieving my sister and her husband decided maybe it was time. They did have hearts big enough to love another. Along came handsome and charismatic ‘Jack’ an RSPCA rescue. Jack is your typical Jack Russell with energy to burn and personality to boot. He now lives the life every rescue should – With Love Overload!
It did not take very long before my sister realised her social little boy also craved canine company. With more time needed for one-on-one bonding, training and both of them not feeling quite ready to get a second dog it was decided Jack would start Doggie Day Care two days a week.
Jack loves Doggie Day Care! With as many as 60+ dogs at the centre, he gets his full quota of canine company. Jack is so ‘full on’ that my sister knew she had to be sure they had a clear understanding of the type of personality that Jack was drawn to. What would be a good fit? The staff at the Day Care Centre helped by observing Jacks play behaviour, reporting back each afternoon. The time spent in Day Care would prove to be invaluable.
With this information firmly at hand, we marched into the ‘Big Adopt Out’. An annual event hosted by the RSPCA where dozens of rescue groups get together at various sites across the country. The aim is to find suitable homes for as many orphaned dogs as possible. It is a fantastic and worthy event!
Walking around and around to each Rescue Group, we had the opportunity to meet lots of wonderful dogs, all hoping to find their very own fur-ever family. We were keen to find ‘The One’ that would be a perfect match for Jack. Enters stage; front and centre – ‘Pebbles’ (formally known as Demi, but since my sister shares a similar sounding name, Demi became known as Pebbles).
We could not believe her amazing yet heartbreaking rescue story. After the successful closure of a puppy mill, Pebbles along with over 100 other dogs in total were rescued from horrible filthy inhumane conditions. Animal Rescue Qld (ARQ) stepped in to help find them all new wonderful homes.
Kneeling down to this lovely little girl, knowing the sadness she must have endured while in the puppy mill my sister was immediately greeted with the sweetest little face gently pushing into her chest while simultaneously trying to clamber onto her lap.
Pebbles had picked her new mum!
After completing the necessary paperwork it was a couple of weeks before ‘ARQ‘ made contact suggesting a meet and greet. Like a match made in heaven, they hit it off straight away. Brother and sister they have become.
A beautiful second life for two lucky rescues!
Author Bio: Nikki is pack leader at Pressplay Pets, a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting. She is also proud mum to cute and cheeky Papillons ‘Amber’ and ‘Indy’ and one crazy Rainbow Lorikeet named ‘Ralph’! Follow my Facebook and Twitter.
Pressplay Pets a blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting!
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That’s a lovely story. I hope they have many happy days together – they look content in each other’s company.