Here Comes That Freight Train…..
When Corey was young he was an outgoing and carefree dog. He loved new experiences, doggy play dates, runs, walks, his head out of the car window and most of all, the beach. He...
A blog for the modern age pet parent interested in health & care, news, reviews & personal accounts of unconditional love & at times heartfelt pain of pet parenting!
When Corey was young he was an outgoing and carefree dog. He loved new experiences, doggy play dates, runs, walks, his head out of the car window and most of all, the beach. He...
Ok, firstly let’s clear up the confusion between Autoimmune Diseases and AIDS. The term “Autoimmune disease” Abbreviation AID for (A)uto (I)mmune (D)isease) is often confused with AIDS (A)cquired (I)mmune (D)eficiency (S)yndrome which is a...
When I was a child I remember our family going on a holiday to Sydney and our lovely Silky Terrier ‘Penny’ had to stay at a kennel. I remember this vividly because when we...
Kimba was a rescue a give-away. She and her sister were handed into Patty’s Market in Brisbane, Fortitude Valley. ‘The Valley’ as it is affectionately known by nearly all in Brisbane was and is...
One day I dropped into a dodgy looking pet shop out in the middle of whoop whoop, this is where I came across a little black Tortoiseshell moggie, just 7 weeks old and laying...
I remember my mother telling me about a time when I was very little our family visited a friend who had imported a Papillon puppy. I do not have a single memory of that day. I...
I thought it was timely to introduce to you my feathered family member ‘RALPH’ Native Australian Rainbow Lorikeet. Ralph was hand raised from a baby by my friend Lisa. I adopted Ralph from Lisa...
Well 2012 was not my most favourite year….my gorgeous cat ‘Morticha’ passed away suddenly at the age of 19…a few weeks later my sister’s sweet dog ‘Rascale’ passed away at the age of 16...