Tagged: #pressplaypets


Preparing For Your New Kitten or Cat

Congratulations! With approximately 220 million cats kept as pets worldwide you have chosen one of the most popular species to be your best friend. Cats are territorial creatures and any sudden change in environment...


Five Movies Dog Lovers Will Enjoy

There are a lot of amazing movies on dogs which are so cute that they will make you fall in even more love with your best friend. For all fans of the genre, that...


Woofstock 2015

Amber and Indy attended their very first Woofstock!  Yes you read that right, Woofstock! Woofstock is a canine carnival celebrating all things PAWsome about dogs! There was up to 80 stallholders proudly showcasing the...


Can My Dog Eat That?

Dogs always seem to find a way to eat the food we’re eating. Whether they are looking up at you with puppy dog eyes, or taking a quick bite of your food behind your...


Just Another Day On The Bay?

With Indy’s car sickness mostly under control I know how important it is to try and ensure he continues to remain ‘desensitized’ to the car’s motion, to achieve this we are trying to get...


Children Can Change The Future For Animals!

If you are anything like me you know only too well how the simple act of turning on the television or logging onto social media comes with heartbreaking and devastating news and often graphic...


How To Walk Your Cat On A Lead!

So, you might get some strange looks, but walking your kitty on a leash is a great option if you prefer to keep kitty indoors (which, as a paranoid pet owner, I would always...