Category: Pressed


50 Shades Of Greyhound…..You Can Change The Ending

Last Monday night many Australian’s watched in horror, shock and utter sadness when ABC Four Corners screened “Making A Killing”, with undercover footage taken at various private Greyhound race training facilities across Australia they...


Do Pets Hold The Key To Our Health?

Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world with over two thirds of households owning a pet of some sort.  Quite simply put, pets are part of the Australian...


Australia Recognises Our Beloved Dogs!

Across Australia, companion dogs have not permitted in areas where food is served. In August 2012, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) have had their proposal approved to remove the restrictions on the presence...


Kids Adopt A Shelter!

In 2011, 11 year old Sean Martin, set out to make a positive change to the lives of orphaned dogs and cats in shelters.  Sean’s mission began during his parents Halloween party where he...


Stop Puppy Mills!

Never more then before are households filling their lives with the love of a beloved dog, in fact the world dog population is around 300 million, many of them have unknowingly been purchased through...