Tagged: My Dog Has Meningitis


Boondall Wetlands

Firstly, what are ‘Wetlands’? Wetlands can be found all over the world they act as filters for waterways and breeding sites for various fish and other animals. In Australia, our wetlands are found in...


We Are Getting Chickens!

I have been wanting to get chickens for years but have always kept putting it off. That was until recently, when a family member offered me three of his beautiful hens hatched just 11...


Indolent Eye Ulcers

Many months ago, Indy kept rubbing his face excessively, was squinting and the white of his right eye was very red. After a visit to our wonderful vet Dr Lucilla at Monier Vet Clinic,...


Dog Friendly Stay On The Sunshine Coast

It has been over a year now since Indy was diagnosed with Meningitis and over this time I have been extremely reluctant to go away on holidays just in case Indy had some kind...


My Dog Has Meningitis!

Since my last ‘memoir’ post quite a few weeks back about little Indy’s trip to hospital for a suspected ‘raw chicken bone obstruction’ further medical events have unfolded which ultimately has resulted in Indy...