Pressplay Pets


Amber and Indy….It’s All Good!

It has been a number of weeks since my last update on Amber and Indy – we have had a few milestones to celebrate! 1. Amber and Indy were troopers proudly supporting their State...


PAWsome Gadgets & Apps For Pets!

Statistics indicate that global spending on caring for pets continues to increase year on year. Figures in 2014 were $98.3 billion and that figure is expected to rise to $103.8 billion by the end...


Children Can Change The Future For Animals!

If you are anything like me you know only too well how the simple act of turning on the television or logging onto social media comes with heartbreaking and devastating news and often graphic...


How To Walk Your Cat On A Lead!

So, you might get some strange looks, but walking your kitty on a leash is a great option if you prefer to keep kitty indoors (which, as a paranoid pet owner, I would always...


The RSPCA Million Paws Walk 2015

On Sunday, 17th May 2015 Amber and Indy attended what must be any dogs most anticipated doggie social heaven event.  The ultimate in pack walks – The RSPCA Million Paws Walk! Amber and Indy’s...


Your Pets Feel The Winter Chill!

Sponsored Post Has winter arrived early?  As we start to pull out the old tracky dacks and shake the moth balls from our winter woollies don’t forget your pooch or puss is also feeling...


My Dog Has Meningitis!

Since my last ‘memoir’ post quite a few weeks back about little Indy’s trip to hospital for a suspected ‘raw chicken bone obstruction’ further medical events have unfolded which ultimately has resulted in Indy...


Joseph Lyddy “Pet Indulgence”

Joseph Lyddy was registered as a business in 1893 providing after-sales care of saddle soap and harness dressings.  If you are a horse lover, the Joseph Lyddy brand will most likely already be part...