Tagged: Monier Vet


My Chicken Fractured Her Leg!

As a new chicken mum I sure have had to learn a lot fast! From starter feed, grower feed, layer feed, medicated feed, pellets, crumbles, mash, apple cider vinegar with garlic, worming, different poop...


Indolent Eye Ulcers

Many months ago, Indy kept rubbing his face excessively, was squinting and the white of his right eye was very red. After a visit to our wonderful vet Dr Lucilla at Monier Vet Clinic,...


My Dog Dislocated His Hip!

It has been quite a few months since I have posted anything about Amber and Indy’s adventures! There has been a very good reason for this; my little boy Indy decided to have a...


My Dog Has Meningitis!

Since my last ‘memoir’ post quite a few weeks back about little Indy’s trip to hospital for a suspected ‘raw chicken bone obstruction’ further medical events have unfolded which ultimately has resulted in Indy...