Tagged: freelance writer pet industry


Shopping List For Your New Dog

Bringing home a new dog or puppy is really exciting! There are so many things you have to buy and do in preparation for their arrival that pet stores can sometimes be a little...


Bone Broth for Dogs

Recently I read an article by Dr Bruce Syme the founder of Vet’s All Natural about the benefits of offering dogs Bone Broth as a supplement when poured over their regular feed; or for...


Goodbye 2016. Hello 2017!

We had time off over the Christmas and New Year period. Officially our holidays have come to an end and it’s time to get back into “work mode”. Here is a snap shot of...


I Found A Paralysis Tick On My Dog!

Sponsored Post Living in Australia and in particular the eastern coast, there are three things that truly scare pet parents – snakes, toads and paralysis ticks. To a greater degree we do have some...


Brisbane Riverside Garden Markets

For over 22 years the Brisbane Riverside at the Pier Markets has been located at Waterfront Place on Eagle Street.  I discovered recently that on 6th December 2015 the market closed and was renamed...