Tagged: Corey


A Very Special Day

Today is the 7th October, a very special day to me.  It is Corey’s birthday and he would have been 19. Rather than allow that sad feeling of loss creep up inside me, I...


A Bit Of A Rascale!

Aries Dog:  Born 21st March – 19th April Temperament:  Enthusiastic, Bossy & Daring Suggested names:  Buster, Daredevil, Dash, Captain. They forgot Rascale! My sisters dog Rascale was the essence of the Aries dog.  A...


My Papillon Shadow

Just like Corey, Amber has become my shadow. Following me from room to room; searching for me when I have ‘disappeared’ in the house.  I can not even stand up without Amber anticipating I...